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"Crack Me If You Can" - DEFCON 2010
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Contest Scores
scorenameLast Update ReceivedEligible
38576hashcat2010-08-01 00:03:55Yes
36017Insidepro Team2010-08-01 00:03:16No
31175CrackHeads2010-07-31 23:59:28Yes
29196john-users2010-08-01 00:09:15Yes
22623iPhelix2010-07-31 23:22:29Yes
22443Nightingale2010-08-01 00:09:15Yes
20563bartavelle2010-08-01 00:01:27No
12488PHX26002010-07-31 23:17:58Yes
7862smelly_weigand2010-07-31 23:49:32No
75694yvak2010-08-01 00:00:43Yes
6530Bill E Ghote2010-08-01 00:06:31No
5891Benny Lava2010-07-31 22:14:04Yes
375316Crack2010-08-01 00:08:21Yes
3550RPISEC2010-07-31 23:48:36Yes
2629Rippin and Tearin2010-07-31 23:23:13Yes
6960x902010-08-01 00:02:33Yes
213P1neapp1e2010-07-31 16:29:17Yes
5Analog Conspiracy2010-07-30 11:13:18No

"Eligible" means that a team has completed the Code: validation to prove that they have someone physically attending DEFCON and are eligible to win the prize. See the How to Register page for more info. Ping a human if you think you've submitted a Code: but didn't get credit.

Total Cracked Per Hash Type
Hash Type Total Cracked Left Uncracked Pct Cracked
LanMan (LM) 2360 0 100%
NT MD4 (NTLM) 28948 1873 94%
UNIX DES 2808 4347 39%
FreeBSD MD5 1557 3224 33%
NS LDAP (SHA) 303 23 93%
Salted SHA (SSHA) 3670 6912 35%
Oracle 10 0 1000 0%
Blowfish Crypt (bcrypt) 0 80 0%
Click on the "Left Uncracked" value to see the list of uncracked hashes for that algorithm.

Team Cracks Over Time

We intended that the passwords be roughly asymptotic in difficulty--so that many would crack fairly quickly at first, but they would get harder and harder (and thus crack slower) the more progress a team made. This seems to have pretty much worked as designed.

Here is a graph of all teams' crack performance over the life of the contest. Note that many teams did not start right away, some as much as halfway through the competition. (Yes, we ran out of good contrasting colors.)

Each team's cracks over time are graphed below. Where we have a writeup from that team, their graph is a link to it.


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